A new way to feed our world.

HydroGreen technology delivers reliable, cost-effective production with a minimal environmental footprint.

Fully automated
Harvest in minutes, not seasons
Daily Harvest, up to 360 harvests/year
Indoors, weather independent
24/7/365 consistency
Creates the option to repurpose land
Zero waste
Improves total ration quality
Are modular and scalable
Allow farms to be independent of supply chains

HydroGreen Automated Vertical Pastures

Superior and consistent livestock feed at commercial scale.

With our commercial scale, automated, indoor growing technologies and support services, we help our Farmer Partners truly make an impact in the world. Fresh forage can be grown indoors at commercial scale to reduce the amount of land and water resources needed for feed production. Our Local Chain Farming solutions directly empower farmers, protect our natural resources, and contribute to a zero-hunger future. 


Minimal farm equipment needed.

Growing feed hydroponically indoors is more cost and resource-efficient compared to growing in the field since less land, water, labor and other inputs are required.   


Replaces 500 acres of farmland.

It reduces an operation’s carbon footprint and reduces water consumption by 95 percent. The system allows for herd expansion even with minimal land available, and gives producers the option to repurpose valuable land for other uses. HydroGreen fresh forage requires no harsh chemical, fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides to grow.  


HydroGreen fresh forage requires no harsh chemical, fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides to grow.  

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Our team of engineers, nutritionists and researchers are on your team.

We want to help you make an informed decision about how a HydroGreen Automated Vertical Pasture might work for your operation. 


After installation, our team will continue to support you with maintenance, nutrition consulting and continuous research. 

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The heroes who are feeding us and protecting our natural resources.

Meet our Farmer Partners

Mike Rigby

HydroGreen Farmer Partner

“The severe drought had us worried we wouldn’t be able to feed our herd. The HydroGreen technology allows us to grow our own on farm, fresh livestock feed. Our family’s been in the cattle industry for generations, and we were considering getting out of the business entirely if we couldn’t get high quality, nutritious feed for our cattle. Having a consistent, predictable feed supply, no matter the weather, is essential for our family farm success.” 

Paula Haiwick

HydroGreen Farmer Partner

“We chose to partner with the agriculture innovator, CubicFarms to create a resilient food system that is economically and environmentally sound and socially just for generations to come.” 

Nick Ferens

HydroGreen Farmer Partner

HydroGreen’s fresh forage nutritive value is exceptional for our herd and the system is time efficient. I run one piece of machinery for 35 mins a day, when in the past, it would have taken me a few hours a day and three machines using traditional equipment.”