More than a Feed: How Sprouted Grains can Lead to Cattle Business Profitability
Maura Keller reports for American Cattlemen showing how having access to high-quality feed ingredients is vital to the success of
With the touch of a button, HydroGreen Automated Vertical Pastures™ produces high-energy fresh forage at commercial scale. HydroGreen creates production efficiencies for livestock businesses while helping to reduce environmental impact and enhance stewardship outcomes. In dairy cattle, including HydroGreen fresh forage in the daily ration reduced methane emissions by approximately 24%, and preliminary data shows a similar reduction in beef cattle.
HydroGreen Automated Vertical Pastures answer a pressing need: fresh forage on the farm every day. Innovative controlled environment production allows you to produce quality, nutritious, high-energy fresh forage 365 days a year.
Imagine: a fully automated hydroponic grow system on your farm that sustainably and consistently produces highly nutritious and digestible livestock feed every day. One person can do the work of dozens.
The hydroponic sprouting of wheat and barley seed leverages properties of germination and early plant growth to capture optimal nutrition and digestibility.
Win. Win. Win.
Learn MoreMaura Keller reports for American Cattlemen showing how having access to high-quality feed ingredients is vital to the success of
Amy Joi O’Donoghue of Deseret News profiles HydroGreen customer Rod Magnuson and his ranch in Castle Dale, Utah. With drought
HydroGreen fresh forage significantly lowers methane emissions in cows by up to 1 metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent, per
Meeting the nutritional needs of a close-up cow is a constant challenge. During the last trimester, a remarkable 70% of